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148x148 cm multi-color, knitted silk fringe

These luxury items - the visiting card of our company. The products are distinguished by dense pure woolen fabric of twill weave.

All designs are multicolored, the number of colors is 16 to 23. Printing of each ink after preliminary drying allows to get a clear print.

A long fringe of artificial silk is knitted by hand, forming several rows of cells.

All our woolen products go through a unique operation of plasma-chemical treatment, which provides bright colors.
Plasma-chemical treatment gives wool fibers durability, low crushing, provides tissue no pilling.

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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
202.90 €
already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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Availability: enough
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317.50 €
already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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317.50 €
already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
317.50 €
already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
317.50 €
already in the cart
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Availability: enough
317.50 €
already in the cart
Design 391-13
Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
AlmondsAlmonds202.90 €
already in the cart
Design 1369-20
Availability: enough
Fairy taleFairy tale202.90 €
already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
Seasons. SummerSeasons. Summer202.90 €
already in the cart
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Availability: enough
317.50 €
already in the cart
Design 318-20
Availability: enough
317.50 €
already in the cart
Design 391-31
Availability: enough
AlmondsAlmonds202.90 €
already in the cart
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Availability: enough
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already in the cart
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Availability: enough
MayaMaya202.90 €
already in the cart
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Availability: enough
Gold and SilverGold and Silver202.90 €
already in the cart
Design 1731-15
Availability: enough
Gypsy AzaGypsy Aza202.90 €
already in the cart
Design 362-2
Availability: enough
BelovedBeloved202.90 €
already in the cart
Design 1025-10
Availability: enough
317.50 €
already in the cart
Design 318-19
Availability: enough
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317.50 €
already in the cart
Design 1973-14
Availability: enough
202.90 €
already in the cart
Design 371-14
Availability: enough
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317.50 €
already in the cart
Design 1973-13
Availability: enough
Let’s join our hands, my friendsLet’s join our hands, my friends
317.50 €
already in the cart
Design 1973-1
Availability: enough
317.50 €
already in the cart
Design 391-12
Availability: enough
VasilisaVasilisa202.90 €
already in the cart
Design 1370-30
Availability: enough
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202.90 €
already in the cart
Design 1401-14
Availability: enough
White rosesWhite roses202.90 €
already in the cart
Design 373-14
Availability: enough
AlmondsAlmonds202.90 €
already in the cart
Design 1369-10
Availability: enough
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